You Can't Lose
If You Don't Play...
The big Powerball jackpot is a Hundred and Fifty Zo-Hillion Bucks and I'm the one who gets suckered into driving to PA to get the tickets. I figure it's a win-win for me. When all these tickets turn out to be losers, at least I'll have the satisfaction that I didn't ante up and ducats for this Tax on Stupidity. Also I spent two of those bucks on a bottle of Aquafina.
And if one of these is the HunDillion Dollar Winner, then I get my gas $$ back AND I'll be the one holding the Massive Winner. So I can demand to get cut in on the juice without ever having to throw my own Washingtons in the pot.

So no tirade today about the evils of the lottery. No study of the policy of Regressive Taxation. For as a freedom-loving American, I would never lobby to deny any soul the opportunity to senselessly squander his or her hard-earned cash.
However, a bit of prose is now in order...
Power-Balling, that is...
And if one of these is the HunDillion Dollar Winner, then I get my gas $$ back AND I'll be the one holding the Massive Winner. So I can demand to get cut in on the juice without ever having to throw my own Washingtons in the pot.

So no tirade today about the evils of the lottery. No study of the policy of Regressive Taxation. For as a freedom-loving American, I would never lobby to deny any soul the opportunity to senselessly squander his or her hard-earned cash.
However, a bit of prose is now in order...
A Lottery is a Taxation,Good luck and happy Balling.
Upon all the Fools in Creation;
And Heav’n be prais’d,
It is easily rais’d,
Credulity’s always in Fashion;
For, Folly’s a Fund,
Will never lose Ground;
While Fools are so rife in the Nation.
Henry Fielding - 1732
Power-Balling, that is...