Happy Birthday Chef RJ
Monday was Chefguy Rj's birthday, so we set about to bring forth some superlative wines and champagnes for our usual Thursday tasting session.

Food of the highest caliber was provided by Chefguy's son Kyle, who may now be referred to as 'Chefkid'. This was a delicious pizza crust with cream cheese & chives and smoked salmon and then topped with cooked farm fresh egg pieces. This whole concoction was then baked (I think). Whatever it was, it ROCKED.

Chefkid discusses the finer points of glaze & braise...

Food of the highest caliber was provided by Chefguy's son Kyle, who may now be referred to as 'Chefkid'. This was a delicious pizza crust with cream cheese & chives and smoked salmon and then topped with cooked farm fresh egg pieces. This whole concoction was then baked (I think). Whatever it was, it ROCKED.

Chefkid discusses the finer points of glaze & braise...